Attitude of Gratitude
From experiences in life, I have learned that striving for abundance is futile without practicing gratitude for what you already have. For the parts that work, for the parts you are blessed with and often take for granted. Have you noticed how when you acknowledge the people in your life for what they are to you, they deliver more of those attributes? Been away from home for a period of time, and you return revived and refreshed and see your faultless abode as a haven free of maintenance nags? The smell of the freshly changed linen, a smile from a stranger and hand written note from someone special – these are all worth noticing and enjoying. The moving functional art work, the leaf plate, in the Live a Life you Love range is designed as a daily reminder to be grateful for the good things in your life. Most nutritionists will advise that you eat three portions of fruit and vegetables per day, and my intention is for you to practice being grateful for the same.