Let us all take a moment today to focus on what it means to breathe. As I stare outside the upstairs window of my home in a state of self-quarantine with my family, I watch three beautiful trees change with every passing day. It is spring, a time when our world emerges from its wintery slumber and slowly wakens. Soon, I will go outside to clear the leaves and debris that has collected in my flower beds and garden. We will turn the earth over and allow the ground to open up, preparing it to receive nutrients again. I have so much time now, as I stand and frustratingly watch the buds grow. At times, I want to break out of my home, run into streets, and offer my assistance to anyone in need. But this kind of action comes with great risk: to myself, to my family, and anyone I would help. With so much time and ability at my fingertips, I’ve never felt so discouraged. I remind myself that I am doing my part (we are doing our part) to save lives by stopping the spread. As I physically distance myself from friends, family, and coworkers; I remind myself that this is temporary. We can be strong through this, even though it goes against our nature to help in other ways.