Disinformation Kills People
This is a piece that my dad and I both worked on as Kitapena.
Our vision and intention was to bring awareness to how damaging and dangerous disinformation/misinformation can be to society and its people. We are at a crucial moment in this pandemic where the steps we take now could potentially save so many lives, yet we have an administration, political figures, news, groups and a president that continue to feed society fake information in order to further advance their agendas. The problem is not only the virus but also the quantity AND quality of information we give the people and what actions we take from that. We want people to be aware of what they read and hear, we want them awake and therefore conscious of the actions they take and to of course, stay home if possible. We all need to do our part and if we continue to take the wrong steps we could be looking at a more catastrophic situation. We believe that it's important to learn from all situations but especially this one that an informed society makes good, conscious, and smart decisions that benefits us as well as future generations/beings.