‘Life & All Conceivable Including Death; Suspended In What Is Not’
Glass Seed Beads (all types & sizes mostly size 12), Quartz, Plastic, Shells, Seedlike objects, Sadie fur, coral, bone, vinyl, feathers, (10ft ht x 4ft wd) i began this when Sadz our 15 year old doggie daughter first showed signs of snout cancer on her nose, 7 months ago...she passed away in January immediately afterwards the Covid pandemic hit hard... My closest freinds & I all took ill (wirh strange fevers etc) this was just before the virus was officially announced as a real threat. I have continued to develop this work during this whole Covid pandemic; with thoughts of .Sadie, thoughts & questions of what the pandemic would mean to us all, what it might & has yeilded ...life:death...struggle...suffering, compassion, fear, love, courage...sorrow, isolation, hope...solidarity...so many questions, so many feelings.... I am Chiricahua Nde' (Nde' means 'the people in our language; Apache means enrmy in our enemy's language), our group lost iver 90% of our people just 109 years ago... I was taught beadwork when i was four by my Nde' grandmother. To honor her i have worked beads into forms that ecpress experience, existance, This work is an installation assemblage which has aspects that embrace water as a form/source/continuum of life, a flow of & for life & as a life form. It also unfolds a sequence of planetary I's/eyes which mirror us, all beings, life...& carry us to future clarity, insight, empowerment. There are aspects which speak to covid, violence/fear & aspects; water, which carry us through, through horror, through life & death to source, to reintegration within ourselves & with the universal aspects we are always part of. This work is a prayer to & for all of us. Peace, within without, now infinitely