Mask Nurse in Purple by Nina Kuo
I hope I applied correctly- This is 4 th entry to you as this Nurse envisions a proper social distance for All people and we 'll have safe communities as there is a friendly smile to her purple gaze - She is a person that can be from any part of the world- full of pride and attracts a strong, bold persona.
- - Achieved attention from anti apartheid show and anti-Asian Am racism community works: see my Pvt.Danny Chen Shopping bag and posters in exhibits etc., shown: New Mus., Bklyn Mus., PS 1, Newark Mus. w/L.Lippard in books & museums of art -hope to make these into artist books too- needing fun positive images to attract all POC and ages -thx - resume -wikipedia
Perm collections: Moma, Smithsonian Lightwork, Curated shows from Fred Wilson, M. Tucker,
recent 2020 review in