Oh God Protect our heroes
My daughter asked me "mommy, when are we going back to school? I said " l don't know my dear, maybe you will go back to school when no one is at risk and everyone is corona virus free." She said " hmm that's a lot of work for doctors and nurses, what if they catch corona virus who is going to take care of us." I told her that that's why we have to stay at home to keep the exposure to minimum. " After a while she said " Mommy, doctors and nurses are our heroes they risk their lives to saves lives. I'm going to pray to God to protect them and heal everyone with corona virus, so that l can go back to school." Now more than ever, it is important to show our support and appreciation for our healthcare professionals, who risk their own safety to help others. And, while the Government takes measures to keep our NHS workers safe....we must continue to pray and show our appreciation for their sacrifice by staying inside and keeping safe.