Our rights in regards to free will, shell be established and enforced by the people, for the people, cause.... WE THE PEOPLE!!
During this time of hardship, we must utilize this opportunity to create, educate, inspire, encourage all walks of life, Seeing that we are never promised tomorrow!!
we must move with urgency to protect our community, our friends, our neighbors, our elders our loved ones and our selfs.
As this epidemic continues to spread, we must remember to use sanitary etiquette, keep our immunity up, eat a alkaline diet, hydration, preventive procedures and practical preventive medicine.
it is not necessary to administer a mandatory vaccine or screening process if patient, subject, or parties are not infected with any aliment.
what we can do, is use medicinal herbs as inhalants and ingest homeopathic medicine to counteract or reverse the effects of this specific virus.
we must educate your community with factual knowledge and procedures that can be applied to overcome the severity of future viruses.
with this art work, my intention is to educate and solve the amount of hysteria and complacency that plagues our earth.
"ignorance was never bliss." how can we live in bliss, if we are uneducated and ignorant to a plague, outbreak, epidemic or pandemic.
this is clearly pestilence reaping with no discrimination or no remorse to gender, race, origin, creed, religion, orientation, status, or age.
we must continue to do our part until we are freed from these trials and tribulations, as the land is restored once again.
i begin in the name of the most high, the most compassionate and the most merciful!
i pray for food for the hungry..
shelter for the homeless...
strength for the weak...
and protection from our oppressors.
muchos gracias!