“Reduce the soul to its most perfect simplicity, and we find it is capable of exploration into the infinite; indeed it becomes one with the infinite. The realm of the pure and everlasting and immortal and changeless.” - Socrates from Plato’s Phædo This painting is pulled from ‘Phædo’ a body of work created as an homage to Socrates as quoted by Plato in Phædo. The dialogue is centered on the transmigration of the soul and the infinite interconnectedness of life. The natural landscape acts as a bridge between the material realm and divinity. It reflects our human experience in attempt to make communion with the divine and the immortal through nature. The painting explores the tension of reality juxtaposed by that which is everlasting. In pursuit of the divine, the viewer holds witness to the soul, which serves as the essential bridge between these two worlds. The immortal and the world of becoming, to find peace within