Yoga is for Every Body #2
In this series of "Yoga is for Every Body" poster designs, I hope to promote more equity and inclusion in Western yoga classes. It is so important to honor the cultural and spiritual origins and traditions of Yoga and Yoga philosophy. As a white woman working on my own yoga teacher training, I make earnest efforts to be mindful of the colonization and whitewashing of yoga here in the West and how to navigate this in my own practice as well as a yoga teacher. My hope is this series of designs will create a new visual culture surrounding Yoga in the West and encouraging a return to the philosophical roots of the practice. Yoga in Sanskrit means "to yoke" or "join" together. Through the practice of yoga, we have the opportunity to connect to our innermost and highest selves. Some call it seeking the Divine within. Some regard it as a way to connect to the rest of the universe and as bearing witness to the universe experiencing itself. We can connect our mind, body, spirit, emotions, and energies and bring them into harmony instead of the harsh judgment we often carry around towards ourselves and others. Yoga is a vehicle for transformation as well as a path towards accepting ourselves as we really are, regardless of size, shape, gender identity, sexuality, age, race, ability, or the number on the scale.T his is the beginning of a longer series where I hope to create more diverse and inclusive images of different bodies doing yoga.