An Earth of Clean Air
As my family and I were driving, we stopped at the top of a small hill and I was so amazed at how crowded the houses and cars appeared. One of the issues that concerns me the most is the destruction of the Earth’s atmosphere from human activity, temperatures continue to rise and connects to a ripple effect of climate change, global warming, melting glaciers, extinction. Governments have not taken significant action to reduce this issue, clarifying their favor of economy instead of the world. It’s not only up to them to make this world safe living, every single person needs to start to care enough to make simple changes in their everyday routines. We can only do so much, it is not a hoax, there is no planet B. The yellow light also serves as an emphasis to symbolize the caution we need to take, we’re not failing the earth completely but we are getting there, red light is next, destruction will arise if there isn’t any change. We need to stay kind to the only home we know <3