In Pursuit of Education Reform
Our education system doesn’t look much different today than in the 1900s. We are kept in classrooms with others of the same age and socio-economic background. Our society is based on people being able to have things customized. Coffee is prepared to our specifications, but my education is exactly the same as my peers. We are told where to be when to be there, what to memorize, and how to answer. Schools are unnecessarily turning out factory workers. Creative problem solving, a skill most prized by employers, is not only discouraged in school but is often considered disruptive. Photo Credits: "Woman teaches classroom, while the students in the right background write on the chalkboard" by Boston Public Library is licensed under CC BY 2.0 "Back to School 2012 - U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys, South Korea - 27 August 2012" by USAG-Humphreys is licensed under CC BY 2.0