Pote Field, Griffith Park / August 6, 2020 “Shade”
In this image I am in pursuit of a dream. A dream to succeed in the sport I love. A dream shared by many but fulfilled by few. A simple game, throwing and hitting a ball. A baseball. Even in its simplicity it teaches many morals, builds friendships, as well as mentally and physically breaking you down. You have to work hard to succeed, put in the work even when the odds are stacked against you. Countless hours at the cages, playing catch in the backyard, rep after rep -- swing after swing you continue. Why? The answer is different for every player, but for me it's plainly because I love it, I love the burn. So after swinging until I couldn't anymore, I sought refuge in the shade of a small tree, enjoying cold water, and a small breeze -- waiting to hear the familiar rumble of my dad’s car.