
Brenda Barrios

Vaccines For All

Vaccines for all and the working class and other workers. I made this art to represent the everyday people, the working people. I choose to represent the working class and Essential workers that have been continuously working during this Pandemic. Last open Call at the beginning of the Pandemic, I drew my mom, who's a housekeeper. This year, I wanted to bring more working-class people of color to light. People of color are often the last people to get vaccinated, yet they are working the most. In California, Vaccines that have been administered are 31.5 % white, 18.6% Latino, 3.% black, 12.2% Asian American. I believe Vaccines should be for all; in this art piece, I drew a teacher, a Nurse, a farm-worker, a housekeeper, a cook, a grocery worker, and a street vendor, and a mailman. This Pandemic has been difficult for everyone, and bringing Social Justice Issues to the forefront with art is what keeps me going. Let the Artivism continue
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